Saint Paul Music Academy
School Continuous Improvement Plan (SCIP) Summary
Universal Goals
Student Climate Survey
At least 85% of all students in grades 3-5 will participate in the Student Climate Survey in the Fall 2024 and in the Spring of 2025, and
All student groups will score at least '3' on questions 1, 4, 6 and 11 and will show an overall mean score of '3' or above by Spring of 2025.
Consistent Attendance
At least 85% of all students will consistently attend school, and
All student groups will reach at least 80% consistent attendance as measured by the Consistent Attendance Report in BOLT by June 2025.
At least 80% students who start at Not Yet or In Progress in the Personal and Social Development domain will move up one performance category in each of the key indicators from fall to end of year as measured by the Work Sampling report in BOLT by June 2025.
Math Goals
MCA Mathematics Universal Goal
The percentage of grades 3-5 students scoring proficient or higher in mathematics will increase by at least 5% pts. as measured by the MCA III Mathematics Assessment administered in April 2025.
SPPS Mathematics Goal
The percentage of students 'On Level' or 'Above Level' in grades K-5 will increase by at least 15% pts. as measured by fall, winter, spring HMH Math Growth Measure in SY24-25.
Reading Goals
MCA Reading Universal Goal
The percentage of all grades 3-5 students scoring proficient or higher in mathematics will increase by at least 5% pts. as measured by the MCA III Reading Assessment administered in April 2025.
SPPS Literacy Goal K-2
The percentage of all K/1 students ontrack/at benchmark (low risk) will increase by at least 5% pts from Spring 24 to Spring 25 & flat growth will decrease by at least 10% pts. as measured by FAST Fall to Winter and Fall to Spring Growth Reports.
The percentage of grade 2 students ontrack/at benchmark will increase by at least 5% pts. from Fall 24 to Spring 25 and aggressive growth will increase by at least 10% pts. as measured by FAST Fall to Winter and Fall to Spring Growth reports.
SPPS Literacy Goal 3-5
The percentage of all grades 3-5 students ontrack/at benchmark (low risk and above) will increase by at least 5% pts. from Fall 24 to Spring 25 as measured by FAST aReading assessments in SY24-25.