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Our specialists work with students in a variety of areas.  

Prep specialists see students on a rotating schedule.  We offer the following for our prep time specialist classes: 

Physical Education

Physical education teaches students about movement, team work, health and wellness.

General Music

Students will begin to learn about rhythm, instruments, reading music, and types of music.  Instruments specific to grade levels include violin, keyboarding, drums and guitar.  

Band and String Instrumental Music

Students have the opportunity in the upper grades to pick the instrument that they want to learn and play.  These students perform throughout the year. 


Students have the opportunity in the upper grades to participate in choir. These students perform throughout the year.


Students will explore and learn about the world around them using hands on instruction in Science.


Karen Hail

Tchr - Music - Elementary

Emily Weiss

Tchr - Science Prep

Ger Yang

Tchr - Phy Ed