Science Standards
Mn Science Standards
The2009 Minnesota Academic Standards in Science set the expectations for achievement in science for K-12 students in Minnesota. The standards are grounded in the belief that all students can and should be scientifically literate. Scientific literacy enables people to use scientific principles and processes to make personal decisions and to participate in discussions of scientific issues that affect society (NRC, 1996). The standard sand benchmarks describe a connected body of science and engineering knowledge acquired through active participation in science experiences. These experiences include hands-on laboratory activities rooted in scientific inquiry and engineering design. The standards are placed at the grade level where mastery is expected with recognition that a progression of learning experiences in earlier grades builds the foundation for mastery later on.
The Minnesota Academic Standards in Science are organized by grade level into four content strands: 1) The Nature of Science and Engineering, 2) Physical Science, 3) Earth and Space Science, and 4) Life Science. It is important to note that the content and skills in The Nature of Science and Engineering are not intended to be taught as a stand-alone unit or an isolated course, but embedded and used in the teaching, learning and assessment of the content in the other strands. Each strand has three or four substrands. Each substrand contains two or more standard sand one or more benchmarks. The benchmarks supplement the standards by specifying the academic knowledge and skills that schools must offer and students must achieve to satisfactorily complete a standard. Not all standards are found at every grade level. The strands, substrands and standards are organized as follows.
Substrand 1:The Practice of Science
Standard 1. Understandings about science
Standard2. Scientific inquiry and investigation
Substrand 2:The Practice of Engineering
Standard1. Understandings about engineering
Standard2. Engineering design
Substrand 3: Interactions among Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Society
Standard 1. Systems
Standard 2. Careers and contributions inscience and engineering
Standard 3. Mutual influence of science, engineering and society
Standard 4. The role of mathematics and technology in science and engineering
Substrand 1: Matter
Standard1. Properties and structure of matter
Standard2. Changes in matter
Substrand 2: Motion
Standard1. Describing motion
Standard2. Forces
Substrand 3. Energy
Standard1. Kinds of energy
Standard2. Energy transformations
Substrand 4. Human Interactions with Physical Systems
Standard 1. Interaction with the environment
Substrand 1. Earth Structure and Processes
Standard1. Plate tectonics
Standard2. Earth’s changing surface
Standard3. Rock sequences and Earth history
Substrand 2. Interdependence within the Earth System
Standard1. Sources and transfer of energy
Standard2. Weather and climate
Standard3. Materials cycles
Substrand 3. The Universe
Standard1. Solar system motion
Standard2. Formation of the solar system
Standard3. Age, scale and origin of the universe
Substrand 4. Human Interactions with Earth Systems
Standard 1. Interaction with theenvironment
Substrand 1. Structure and Function in Living Systems
Standard1. Levels of organization
Standard2. Cells
Substrand 2. Interdependence among Living Systems
Standard1. Ecosystems
Standard2. Flow of energy and matter
Substrand 3. Evolution in Living Systems
Standard1. Reproduction
Standard2. Variation
Standard3. Biological evolution
Substrand 4. Human Interactions with Living Systems
Standard1. Interaction with the environment
Standard2. Health and disease