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Hour of Code Games

Bounce Game

  1. Bounce by ChingTeacher
  2. Remix-1 Bounce by ChingTeacher
  3. Mixed Up Bounce by ChingTeacher
  4. Soccer Bounce by ChingTeacher

Star Wars Games (games made by 5th grade students from 2016-17)

  1. R2-D2 Chase: Get the different characters until they are all gone.
  2. C-3PO Chase: More players, random backgrounds
  3. R2-D2: Quickly get the Rebel Pilot to end the game
  4. C-3PO: Get the Rebel Pilot. Droid speed is random.

Flappy Bird Games (games made by 4th and 5th grade students from 2016-17 except Flappy Random which was made by ChingTeacher)

  1. Flappy Fish: very large gap, normal speed
  2. Flappy Yellow Bird: very large gap, random speeds
  3. Flappy Fast: normal gap, fast speed
  4. Flappy Weird: trick coding for a fun game (HGS, grade 4, 2018-19)
  5. Flappy Random: ChingTeacher created random variables everywhere!

Log in to Code.org, then open template and remix.

Flappy template

Sports template