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Reference Sites


Check out these websites for research projects. Always remember to cite your sources.

  1. Encyclopedia Britannica for Kids: online encyclopedia
  2. FreeRice: facts based site
  3. MackinVia: ebooks and other electronic resources (select our school, then use Active Directory log-in)
  4. NCTM Geometric Solids
  5. NCTM Spinner: interactive spinner
  6. Scratch: programming website
  7. Sheppard Software: super site for online math, reading, geography, and science lessons
  8. TumbleBooks: audio books at all different levels (no username or password required)
  9. Unite for Literacy: free web books that are read in different languages (including Karen, Karenni, and Somali)
  10. World Factbook: countries ranked by data compiled by CIA

These Superhero Icons were made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com

Photo Sites

Words, Words, Words